Occupational Physical Fitness Tests for Korean Police Officers: Historical Changes, Social Controversies, and Logical Rationale 경찰 체력검정의 역사적 변화: 남녀 차이의 사회적 논란과 과학적 합리성
Occupational Physical Fitness Tests for Korean Police Officers: Historical Changes, Social Controversies, and Logical Rationale 경찰 체력검정의 역사적 변화: 남녀 차이의 사회적 논란과 과학적 합리성
진현주 Jin Hyunju , 김효민 Hyomin Kim
Physical fitness is a major research topic in sport studies. Among diverse sub-topics of physical fitness, the physical fitness test, that is the measurement and evaluation of physical fitness, has the longest history as a research area. However, the recent controversy in Korea over gender-normed physical fitness requirements in army or police recruitment indicates that despite widely shared common understanding of physical fitness that can be “tested” in accordance with research outcomes of sport studies, there is still no general agreement on the legitimate standards for physical fitness test. By tracking the relevant academic and social discussions, this paper presented a historical review of the logical rationale provided for physical fitness tests. This paper first explored definitions and meanings of physical fitness established in sport studies; then it examined the historical changes in standards for and perspectives upon occupational physical fitness tests for Korean police officers. By so doing, this paper analyzed and problematized how certain physical fitness tests have so far been (un)-successfully justified as rational methods of measurement. Through the investigation of social debates over what count as legitimate standards for occupational physical fitness tests, we demonstrated that the concept of “physical fitness” and the notion that it can be “tested” with an objective measure is not a fixed reality based upon well-founded rationales but a porous and flexible system that is continuously constructed by heterogeneous networks while facing challenges.
Key Words
체력, 경찰 체력검정, 과학적 합리성, Physical fitness, Police officer physical fitness test, Scientific rationality
The Understanding of eSports’ Phenomenon and Interdisciplinary Approach e스포츠현상의 이해와 학제적 접근
The Understanding of eSports’ Phenomenon and Interdisciplinary Approach e스포츠현상의 이해와 학제적 접근
이상호 Lee Sang-ho , 황옥철 Hwang Ok-chul
This paper is to study how to understand the phenomenon of eSports. In which we explain it as the interdisciplinary approach. Korea’s eSports shows different way in comparison with inflow of Western sports in Korea’s sports history of 100 years. Korea’s eSports diffuses throughout the world as playful culture of Korea. Regardless of eSports is sports or not, there are still discussed many researches and studies from sports’ viewpoint. But there is systematically lacked about discussion of discipline of eSports. So, it is exactly important to understand the eSports’ phenomenon to get scholarly justification. The understanding of eSports’ phenomena will static and dynamic approaches. Static approaches are as follows: features of media, eSporsplayer, and economic, social, cultual aspect of eSports. Dynamic approaches is to study the active relation between eSportsplayer and digital technology. The interdisciplinary approach of eSports is to explain philosophical, educational, psychological, technological approach.
Key Words
e스포츠, e스포츠현상, 학제적 연구, eSports, eSports’ phenomenon, Interdisciplinary approach
Relationship among Perceived Multidimensional Support and Loneliness on Happiness in Elderly Women Participants of Line Dance Program 라인댄스 프로그램 참여 여성노인들이 지각하는 다차원적 지지와 고독감 및 행복감의 관계
Relationship among Perceived Multidimensional Support and Loneliness on Happiness in Elderly Women Participants of Line Dance Program 라인댄스 프로그램 참여 여성노인들이 지각하는 다차원적 지지와 고독감 및 행복감의 관계
우정욱 Woo Jung-wook
This study examined the effects of multidimensional support and loneliness on the happiness to find ways to improve the happiness of women participating in line dance. Therefore, this study verified the effect of multidimensional support and loneliness on happiness based on the survey data of 159 elderly women participating in line dance. For the analysis method, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, and path analysis were used, and statistical programs used SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0 programs. The results are summarized and presented as follows. First, we examined the effect of multidimensional support perceived by older women participating in line dance on loneliness. As a result, family support, a sub-factor of multidimensional support, did not have a significant effect on intimacy, but it had a negative effect on alienation, and teacher support had a negative effect on alienation and a positive effect on intimacy. Second, the effects of multi-dimensional support perceived by older women participating in line dance on happiness were examined. As a result, family support and teacher support, which are sub-factors of multidimensional support, did not have a significant effect on both positive and negative emotions. Third, we examined the effect of loneliness perceived by older women participating in line dance on happiness. As a result, the sense of alienation had a negative effect on the positive emotion and the negative effect on the negative emotion, and the intimacy had a negative effect on the positive emotion and the negative effect on the negative emotion.
A Narrative Study on the Serious Leisure Participation Process of the Participants in the Fut sal Group of Living Sports 생활체육 풋살 동호회 참여자의 진지한 여가 참여 과정에 대한 내러티브 연구
A Narrative Study on the Serious Leisure Participation Process of the Participants in the Fut sal Group of Living Sports 생활체육 풋살 동호회 참여자의 진지한 여가 참여 과정에 대한 내러티브 연구
This study is a narrative study on the serious leisure participation process of participants in the Fut sal Society of Living Sports, which tells of their experiences in the process of serious leisure participation.
In the process, We explored the motive for starting a life sport, the background of turning a fut sal club, the process of getting serious with a fut sal club, the obstruction of leisure activities participation, and how it affects individuals when they are into leisure seriously. Five study participants were selected who have at least three years of experience in the fut sal club to form sufficient intolerance and who could communicate more seriously and openly in foot sal based on their experience conducted in-depth interviews.
The data analysis and interpretation methods used in the study consisted of narratives with reading the text over and over again and understanding generally the participants serious leisure participation experiences. The analysis process of the material was analyzed in detail by dividing the meaning of the material into the introductory period, maturity period, resolution period of the serious leisure participation.
Through this study, we could find out why a person participating in a live sports fut sal club started a life sports club as a leisure, why he fell into foot sal as a serious leisure, and what the impact was. in future follow-up studies, studies with various methods should be conducted so that many foot sal lovers can enjoy it as a more healthy, positive and serious leisure.
Structural Relationship of Variables Related to Adolescent's Participation in Leisure Sport 청소년 여가 스포츠 참여 관련 변인들의 구조적 관계
이승만 Lee Seungman , 서일한 Seo Ilhan , 최광근 Choi Kwangkeun
The study was aimed at exploring the course of adolescent’s participation in leisure sport and verifying the structural relationships of the related variables. Survey responses of 552 adolescent were analyzed by SPSS & AMOS 18.0. Survey questions were developed based on previous research and partially modified for this study. Frequency analysis, reliability and validity test, descriptive statistics analysis & path analysis were utilized to analyze the survey responses. (1) Leisure sport participation motivation appears to have a positive impact on serious leisure. (2) Leisure sport participation motivation appears to have a positive impact on leisure flow. (3) Serious leisure appears to have a positive impact on leisure attitude. (4) Serious leisure appears to have a positive impact on leisure satisfaction. (5) Leisure flow appears to have a positive impact on leisure attitude. (6) Leisure flow appears to have a positive impact leisure satisfaction. (7) Leisure attitude appears to have a positive impact on sustenance of leisure. In contrast, (8) Leisure satisfaction significantly doesn’t affect adolescent‘s sustenance of leisure. Based on the results of these studies, it was discussed that understanding the leisure sport participation process should be given the importance of leisure sport as a way to select the right leisure for the adolescent, and an environment should be created to allow the adolescent to actively participate in leisure sport.
Key Words
청소년, 여가 스포츠 참여 동기, 진지한 여가, 여가 몰입, 여가 태도, 여가 만족, 여가 지속, 구조적 관계, Adolescent, Leisure sports participation motivation, Serious leisure, Leisure flow, Leisure attitude, Leisure satisfaction, Sustenance of leisure, Structural Relationship
The Qualitative Exploration Process of Teacher’s Core Competencies Based on the Judical Precedents Involving ‘Safety’ in Secondary Physical Education 중등 체육 교육 현장에서의 ‘안전’ 영역 사고 판례 분석에 근거한 교사 핵심역량의 질적 탐색 과정
The Qualitative Exploration Process of Teacher’s Core Competencies Based on the Judical Precedents Involving ‘Safety’ in Secondary Physical Education 중등 체육 교육 현장에서의 ‘안전’ 영역 사고 판례 분석에 근거한 교사 핵심역량의 질적 탐색 과정
김원세 Kim Won-se , 김원정 Kim Won-jung
The purpose of this study is explore process of teachers’s core competencies of the ‘safety area’ in secondary physical education through practical reflecting on the safety accidents occurred in secondary physical education field, based on the analyzing judical precedents related to the school physical education. For this study, several implications are deduced from those judical precedents and 4 career teachers experienced safety accidents in their school workplace were chosen. The data was collected mainly via judical precedents, documents, and in-depth individual interview. The results were as follows. 1) These participants regarded cause and seriousness ‘safety accidents’ as invisible information, accumulated fatigue and injury and unexpectedly poor physical environment. 2) Four secondary physical education teachers emphasized on ‘attitude of putting myself in their shoes’, ‘sincere worries and mind between teachers and students’, ‘safe environment made together’ and ‘teacher’s being whole class’ through their experiences and stories. 3) Finally, four core competencies required in the ‘safety area’ as physical education teachers have been deduced through qualitative exploration process: ‘safety perception and informative power’ competency, ‘coping with accidents and communication’ competency, ‘management and prevention’ competency, and ‘systematic teaching and practice’ competency.
Key Words
중등 체육, 안전 영역, 안전사고, 핵심역량, 학교 체육, Secondary physical education, Safety area, Safety accidents, Core competencies, School physical education
A Study on the Formation Process of Resignation for the Physical Education Subject among Pre-Service Elementary School Teachers 초등예비교사의 체육 실기강의에 대한 체념의 형성 과정 탐색
A Study on the Formation Process of Resignation for the Physical Education Subject among Pre-Service Elementary School Teachers 초등예비교사의 체육 실기강의에 대한 체념의 형성 과정 탐색
정병근 Jung Byung-keug
The purpose of this study is to investigate the reasons why pre-service elementary school teachers give up the Physical Education subject(physical activity class) due to difficulties with its lectures and the forms of their resignation. For this purpose, the investigator selected seven students in the junior year at ‘A’ University of Education as the subjects, collected data with an in-depth interview with them, and conducted analysis in the qualitative case study method. The findings show that the formation of resignation among pre-service elementary school teachers underwent the stages of “individual resignation,” “generalized resignation,” and “habitual resignation.” Based on these findings, the study identified the problematic causes of their resignation for the Physical Education subject(physical activity class) and discussed plans to reduce their resignation for the subject.
A Study on the Necessity of Career Education Curriculum Development and the Educational Contents Proposal for College Student-athletes 대학생 학생선수를 위한 진로교육 교과목 개발의 필요성 및 교과내용 제안
A Study on the Necessity of Career Education Curriculum Development and the Educational Contents Proposal for College Student-athletes 대학생 학생선수를 위한 진로교육 교과목 개발의 필요성 및 교과내용 제안
권형일 Hyungil Kwon , 최미화 Mihwa Choi
Recently policies and studies on career development education for college students have attracted policy makers’ and scholars’ attention. However, no specific policy is there for college student-athletes in Korea. There are several reasons why such career education do not exist. Among those, the biggest reason seems to be the fact that there is no specific career education contents for the population of college student-athletes. The purposes of the study are to identity the needs of career education contents for college student-athletes and to come up with educational contents for 16-week one-hour credit class. The data for the study were generated from six experts in college sport, sport psychology, and career education. The experts participated three meetings from which they generated the structure of the career education classes, the contents of the classes and 16-week class curriculum.
Key Words
대학 학생선수, 진로교육, 진로교육 콘텐츠, 교과목 개발, College student-athletes, Career education, Career education content, Curriculum development
The Effects of Native Advertising Message Types on Consumer's Attitude toward Advertising: Moderating Effects of Self-Regulating Focus and Media Credibility 스포츠 브랜드 제품의 네이티브 광고 메시지 유형이 광고태도에 미치는 영향: 자기조절초점 및 매체신뢰도의 조절효과
The Effects of Native Advertising Message Types on Consumer's Attitude toward Advertising: Moderating Effects of Self-Regulating Focus and Media Credibility 스포츠 브랜드 제품의 네이티브 광고 메시지 유형이 광고태도에 미치는 영향: 자기조절초점 및 매체신뢰도의 조절효과
유호석 Ho-suk Yu , 한진욱 Jin-wook Han
The purpose of this study was to examine the moderating effect of self-regulating focus(promotion focus/prevention focus) and media credibility(high/low) in the relation between a native advertising message type (evaluative message/factual message) of sports brand products and consumer’s attitude toward advertising. Toward this end, a total of 278 respondents was selected using a purposive sampling method and responded to the online survey questionnaire. 264 usable data were utilized in the data analyses procedure. Data were analyzed using frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, independent sample t-test and two-way ANOVA with SPSS 23.0. program. The results of this study were as follows. Firstly, consumers’ attitude toward an advertising including evaluative messages was higher than their attitude toward an advertising with factual messages. Secondly, there was a moderating effect of self-regulatoring focus in the relation between a native advertising message type (evaluative message/factual message) of sports brand products and consumer’s attitude toward advertising. Thirdly, there was no moderating effect of media credibility in the relation between a native advertising message type (evaluative message/factual message) of sports brand products and consumer’s attitude toward advertising. Discussions and additional implications were also suggested.
Key Words
네이티브 광고, 메시지 유형, 자기조절초점, 매체신뢰도, 광고태도, Native advertising, Message type, Self-regulatoring focus, Media credibility, Attitude toward an advertising
A Study on the Evaluation of Service Quality and Derivation of Improvement Priority for Efficient Management of Kumdo Club 검도장의 효율적인 경영을 위한 서비스품질 평가 및 개선우선순위 분석
A Study on the Evaluation of Service Quality and Derivation of Improvement Priority for Efficient Management of Kumdo Club 검도장의 효율적인 경영을 위한 서비스품질 평가 및 개선우선순위 분석
전기제 Jeon Ki-jae , 김종우 Kim Jong-woo
The purpose of this study was to draw the service quality factors of Kumdo club by using Delphi method, to evaluate the service quality factors of Kumdo club through Kano Model and Potential Customer Satisfaction Index(PCSI), and also ti draw the priority of improvement. In order to accomplish the purpose of this study, Delphi method was done by 15 experts group. It was composed of total three rounds like reviewing to change or add measured items extracted from preceding researches. Based on the items finally drawn, the survey was conducted targeting the population of adult trainees, by visiting the 28th Korea Kumdo Championship for Social Members for two days from July 9th to 10th 2016. Total 350 questionnaires were distributed/collected and 323(92.3%) questionnaires were used for the actual analysis after excluding 27(7.7%) questionnaires with insincere responses or no reliability. The results of the study were as follow. First, total 22 service quality factors of Kumdo club were drawn through the three rounds of Delphi method. Second, using Kano Model, total 22 service quality items of Kumdo club were classified. In the results of the analysis, three items like 'accessibility', 'preferred program', and 'communication between trainees' were classified as attractive quality factors. Items classified as unitary quality factors were total 19 items. Third, in the results of drawing the customer satisfaction coefficient through the classification of service quality factors of Kumdo Model, Better Index showed high value in the order of 'securement of space', 'psychological/physical health improvement', 'changing room & shower room' and 'comfort & Cleanliness'. Worse Index showed high value in the order of 'arrangement of equipments', 'changing room & shower room' and 'kind attitude'. Last, the PCSI of Kumdo club was shown in the order of 'Kumdo practical ability', 'Kumdo-related knowledge', 'kind attitude' and 'psychological/physical health improvement'.
The Structural Relationship among Selection Attribute of Ski Resort Using Satisfaction and Revisit Intention: A Moderating Role of Season Ticket 스키장 선택속성과 이용만족도 및 재방문의도의 구조적 관계: 시즌권 이용의 조절효과
The Structural Relationship among Selection Attribute of Ski Resort Using Satisfaction and Revisit Intention: A Moderating Role of Season Ticket 스키장 선택속성과 이용만족도 및 재방문의도의 구조적 관계: 시즌권 이용의 조절효과
김병민 Kim Byung-min , 강유원 Kang Yu-won
This study has the purpose to identify the influence regarding using satisfaction to selection attribute, and to investigate the moderating role of using season ticket according to set up moderating role with the type of ticket. Data processing of this study was accomplished frequency analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, structural equation model analysis, measurement group analysis and multiple group analysis utilizing SPSS 24.0 & AMOS 18.0 , and the following result has been appeared. First, the promotion selection attribute had an effect on using satisfaction. Second, important facility and traffic factor had an effect on revisitation. Third, using satisfaction had an effect on revisit intention. Forth, using season ticket had a moderating effect on traffic and service factors attributes on satisfaction and the effect of facilities and traffic factors attributes on revisit intention. According to this results, continuous research about visitors of ski resort and discriminative marketing strategy along with consumption disposition and character.
Key Words
스키장, 선택속성, 이용만족도, 재방문의도, 시즌권, Ski resort, Selection attribution, Using satisfaction, Revisit intention, Season ticket
Spectator Motivation, Satisfaction, and Revisit Intention in Collegiate Sports: Investigating the Moderating Effect of Involvement 대학U리그 관람동기와 관람만족, 재관람의도의 관계에서 관여도의 조절효과 분석
김민철 Kim Min Cheol , 박성종 Park Sungjong , 김형신 Kim Hyeong Sin
Spectator Motivation, Satisfaction, and Revisit Intention in Collegiate Sports: Investigating the Moderating Effect of Involvement 대학U리그 관람동기와 관람만족, 재관람의도의 관계에서 관여도의 조절효과 분석
김민철 Kim Min Cheol , 박성종 Park Sungjong , 김형신 Kim Hyeong Sin
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among spectator motivation, satisfaction, and revisit intention and to investigate the moderating effect of involvement. To achieve research objectives, the authors visited volleyball and basketball games at 12 universities for 7 months and coded a total of 213 usable responses for analysis. Structural Equation Model (SEM) and multiple group path analysis were used to explore the proposed relationships. The results indicated that spectator motivation positively influences on satisfaction and revisit intention. Spectator satisfaction is positively associated with revisit intention. Moreover, the involvement plays an important role in the relationship between spectator motivation and revisit intention among the low-involvement group. The findings of current study can contribute to a better understanding of the process of motivation in predicting spectator behavior and highlighting the role of intrinsic motivation affecting student resources into the stadium.
The Effect of Team Equity Factors on Sports Fan Evangelism by Ethical Management of Professional Sports Team 프로구단의 윤리경영에 따른 구단 자산요인이 스포츠팬 에반젤리즘에 미치는 영향
The Effect of Team Equity Factors on Sports Fan Evangelism by Ethical Management of Professional Sports Team 프로구단의 윤리경영에 따른 구단 자산요인이 스포츠팬 에반젤리즘에 미치는 영향
서효민 Seo Hyo-min
This study aims to analyze the development process of sports fan evangelism by ethical management of professional sports team. Especially, this study investigated the relationship among ethical management, team image, team identification, team loyalty, and sports fan evangelism. A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed and 357 samples were used final analysis. Techniques for data analysis were frequency analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and Structural equation modeling analysis using SPSS 23.0 and AMOS 23.0 programs. The results of this study were as follows: First, ethical management had positive effect on team image. Second, team image impact on both team identification and team loyalty. Third, team identification and team loyalty effect on sports fan evangelism.
Key Words
윤리경영, 구단이미지, 구단동일시, 구단충성도, 스포츠팬 에반젤리즘, Ethical management, Team image, Team identification, Team loyalty, Sports fan evangelism
Getting a Job: Women, Body Shaping and Culture 취업을 위한 여성의 몸만들기 문화
Getting a Job: Women, Body Shaping and Culture 취업을 위한 여성의 몸만들기 문화
최영래 Choi Young-lae , 배재윤 Bae Jaeyoon
The purpose of this study is to look into and understand the body shaping culture of women exercising to get a job. For this purpose, 11 women whose ultimate purpose of the exercise was aimed at employment were selected as research participants, and the data were collected and analyzed by the in-depth interview. The research results are as follows. First, the body shaping behavior of women exercising to get a job was closely related to the necessity and importance of self-management required in the job market. Second, the body shaping behavior of women exercising to get a job was found to be the preferred method of image-making in the job market. It was shown to induce to match the job image. Women's body shaping to get a job differed from the meaning of general exercise. In the situation where the movement was instrumental, making women's bodies to get a job as an example of instrumental movement. In that sense, their movement would not be seen as a real sports activity. However, the implications can be found in that they can confirm the changing sports culture through their participation. Above all, this study is meaningful to understand the movement behavior of women in modern society and to identify the personal and social implications of women's movement through the link between women's movement, body shaping, and getting a job.
Key Words
여성, 운동, 취업, 몸만들기, 문화, Women, Fitness, Getting a job, Body Shaping, Culture
The Awareness for Publicness of Public Sports Center Influence to Awareness for Sport Welfare 공공스포츠센터의 공공성에 대한 인식이 스포츠복지 인식에 미치는 영향
The Awareness for Publicness of Public Sports Center Influence to Awareness for Sport Welfare 공공스포츠센터의 공공성에 대한 인식이 스포츠복지 인식에 미치는 영향
이성노 Lee Seong-ro , 맹이섭 Maeng Lee-seob
The purpose of this study was to understand the role and value of public sport centers by examining the perception of publicness of public sport centers and investigating the effects on the sport welfare. To achieve the aim, data were collected from 520 participants of public sport centers in metropolitan areas via survey method. Results showed that there were positive perception of publicness of the public sport centers among middle and older people. It means the public sport centers play a pivotal role in that it guarantees to the public that individuals participate in sports. Second, a group with frequently participating in sport centers indicated the importance of equality in sport welfare. Third, publicness was related to keeping healthy through the participation of public sport centers, and higher perception of this mind is positively associated with the sport welfare. For our healthy life, in conclusion, using public sport centers should be available for everyone, and the practice of equality is the feasibility of sport welfare.
Key Words
공공스포츠센터, 공공성, 스포츠복지, Public Sports Center, Publicness, Sports Welfare
Resocialization of Retired Athletes to the Rugby Clubs 은퇴선수들의 생활체육 럭비 동호회로의 재사회화
김범수 Bum Soo Kim , 박광호 Kwang Ho Park , 원영신 Young Shin Won
Resocialization of Retired Athletes to the Rugby Clubs 은퇴선수들의 생활체육 럭비 동호회로의 재사회화
김범수 Bum Soo Kim , 박광호 Kwang Ho Park , 원영신 Young Shin Won
This study focuses on the re-socialization phenomenon of retired rugby players participating in the sport club. The purpose of this study is to explore how retired athletes participate in the rugby club, what activities and experiences they participate in, and how the participation of clubs affects their lives and what kind of culture clubs what retired athletes participate have. In order to accomplish the purpose of this study, we conducted the research through the qualitative research. Data collection was conducted from March to April 2019. Among the retired rugby players, 12 study participants who are currently participating in the Rugby Club, participated in an in-depth interview. As a result, we derived these meanings on retirement rugby player's participation in rugby club that the return and nostalgia to the rugby, the liberation from the oppressed, co-operation and mutual help led to the meaning of the community. As an mixed identity and island culture, they were derived that vertical relationship with senior and resistance, obstructiveness that only gathers between them, competitions like elite athletes.
The Effect of Bicycle Hobbyists’ Conspicuous Leisure Consumption on Happiness: Moderating Effect of Self-esteem, Leisure Satisfaction, and Recreational Specialization 자전거 동호인의 과시적 여가소비가 행복에 미치는 영향: 자아존중감, 여가만족 그리고 레크리에이션 전문화의 조절효과 검증
The Effect of Bicycle Hobbyists’ Conspicuous Leisure Consumption on Happiness: Moderating Effect of Self-esteem, Leisure Satisfaction, and Recreational Specialization 자전거 동호인의 과시적 여가소비가 행복에 미치는 영향: 자아존중감, 여가만족 그리고 레크리에이션 전문화의 조절효과 검증
이유진 Yujin Lee , 황선환 Sunhwan Hwang
The cost of equipment spent on bicycle club activities as a leisure activity varies greatly depending on the participant's propensity and cost. The purpose of this study is to examine how the conspicuous leisure consumption of bicycle enthusiasts during their leisure spending affects their happiness. In addition, this study aims to examine the moderating effects of self-esteem, leisure satisfaction, and recreation specialization. A questionnaire was conducted for the hobbyists who participated in the bicycle riding event run by the Seoul Sports Association, and 393 copies were used for the final analysis. SPSS 24.0 and AMOS 24.0 programs were used to process the data. Employed statistics were frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, hierarchical regression analysis, k-means cluster analysis, and t-test using SPSS 24.0 version. First, self-esteem did not have a moderating effect on the relationship between conspicuous leisure consumption and happiness. Second, leisure satisfaction had a significant moderating effect(t=3.167, p<.01) on the relationship between conspicuous leisure consumption and happiness. In the high conspicuous leisure consumption group, leisure satisfaction was found to have a stronger impact on happiness. Third, recreation specialization did not have a moderating effect on the relationship between conspicuous leisure consumption and happiness. Thus, leisure satisfaction plays a role in mitigating the negative effects of conspicuous leisure consumption on happiness.
Issues and Tasks in Education Policy for Cultivating Sports Science Technology Convergence Professionals in the Fourth Industrial Revolution 4차 산업혁명 시대의 스포츠과학기술융합 전문인력 양성을 위한 교육정책 이슈와 과제
Issues and Tasks in Education Policy for Cultivating Sports Science Technology Convergence Professionals in the Fourth Industrial Revolution 4차 산업혁명 시대의 스포츠과학기술융합 전문인력 양성을 위한 교육정책 이슈와 과제
김민규 Kim Min-kyu
The purpose of this study is to discuss various issues in education policy for cultivating Sports Science and Technology Convergence professionals and subsequent response strategies. To achieve this purpose, literature reviews were done and Delphi method was used. The results are as follows: First, the future tasks in Sports Science and Technology Convergence Education Policy in the Fourth Industrial Revolution were determined as ‘Reestablishment of Education Policy Object for Sports Science and Technology Convergence’, ‘Reformation of Convergence Curriculum’ and ‘Reformation of R&D Policies in Relevant Government Departments.’ The response strategies by future tasks are as follows. Second, in order to reform the convergence curriculum, such things as changing to the convergence discipline system, strengthening the cognitive domains and affective domains should be considered. Third, reformation of R&D policies in the relevant government departments should be implemented by focusing on the concurrent reformation in R&D policies of the Ministry of Education, revitalization of bachelor’s degree-master’s degree connected courses and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. It is expected that the main results of this study will be beneficial for cultivating Sports Science and Technology Convergence professionals in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Key Words
4차 산업혁명 시대, 스포츠과학기술융합, 전문인력, 교육정책, The fourth industrial revolution, Sports science technology convergence, Professionals, Education policy
A Prospect of Dance Wellness Tipping Point Depending on the Paradigm of Digital Health Care 디지털 헬스케어 패러다임에 따른 무용웰니스의 티핑 포인트 전망
A Prospect of Dance Wellness Tipping Point Depending on the Paradigm of Digital Health Care 디지털 헬스케어 패러다임에 따른 무용웰니스의 티핑 포인트 전망
차은주 Cha Eun-joo , 오윤선 Oh Youn-sun
This study was conducted to forecast tipping points of dance wellness in the paradigm of digital health care boosted by the 4th Industrial Revolution. For this study, technical characteristics and forms of digital health care were examined, the present state of the industry was analyzed and dance-related literature in the field of wellness was considered. The study results are as follows. First, the concept of digital health care includes smart health(s-health) and mobile health(m-health) based on u-health and is rapidly growing as a customized health care service industry for treating and preventing individual diseases. Digital health care is composed of Personal Health Device(PHD), Personal Health Application(PHA), Personal Health Information(PHI) and Personal Health Information(PHI) platforms and the use of and need for dance wellness has been stressed mostly for improvement in health of the elderly. Second, in the paradigm of digital health care, tipping points of dance wellness were forecasted. As factors for tipping points of dance wellness, there is a need to develop user-centered digital health care-based dance wellness programs, develop and use dance wellness participant-centered digital health care devices and platforms, increase institutes that perform dance wellness programs using digital health care and cultivate and retrain dance wellness experts with knowledge of digital health care. Based on these results, this study suggests the direction for a sustainable growth of dance through acceptance and spread of the digital health care paradigm in the field of dance wellness.
Key Words
무용웰니스, 디지털 헬스케어, 스마트 헬스케어, 모바일 헬스케어, 티핑 포인트, Dance wellness, Digital healthcare, Smart healthcare, Mobile healthcare, Tipping point
Establishing New Sports Paradigm and Future Task through the Sports Reform Committee Policy Documents Analysis in South Korea 스포츠혁신위원회 권고문 분석을 통한 한국사회 스포츠패러다임의 방향 설정과 과제
Establishing New Sports Paradigm and Future Task through the Sports Reform Committee Policy Documents Analysis in South Korea 스포츠혁신위원회 권고문 분석을 통한 한국사회 스포츠패러다임의 방향 설정과 과제
홍덕기 Hong Deockki
Recent #MeToo movements revealed serious cases of sexual violences in sports in South Korea. South Korean sports system has remained excessively competitive culture based on nationalism and elite sports paradigm. As a response to the human rights violations in sports of the country, an 1-year governmental committee with 20 members (Sports Reform Committee: SRC) was established including five Deputy-Ministers and 15 experts from academy and civil society. Reviewing the limitations of existing national sports policies and practices, the SRC has published a series of seven policy documents in a format of “Recommendations” to achieve “sports for all” paradigm. The purpose of this study was to examine the background and essential contents in the seven recommendation documents and monitor its feasibilities.
Key Words
스포츠혁신위원회, 스포츠 패러다임, 스포츠 인권, 모두를 위한 스포츠, Sport reform committee, Sports paradigm, Human rights in sports, Sports for all
The Correlation between Functional Movement Screen and Specific Physical Fitness Variables in Male Sprinters 남자 단거리 육상선수들의 기능성 움직임 검사(Functional Movement Screen)와 전문체력의 상관성
The Correlation between Functional Movement Screen and Specific Physical Fitness Variables in Male Sprinters 남자 단거리 육상선수들의 기능성 움직임 검사(Functional Movement Screen)와 전문체력의 상관성
손희정 Son Hee-jeong
The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between Functional Movement Screen(FMS) and specific physical fitness variables in male sprinter. The study included 43 male sprinters (age, 14-23 years) in Gyeonggi province during 2018. The total score of FMS was highest in the university group, and this result followed by high school and middle school. The Deepsquart showed a significant correlation with the anaerobic peak power (r= .360), the mean power (r= .373) and the fatigue index(r= .365), and the hurdle step showed a significant correlation with isokinetic extention peak torque(L: r= .327, R: r= .377), (L: r= .35, R:r=. 390). Inline range showed a significant correlation with isokinetic extention peak torque (L: r= .327, R: R= .377) and isokinetic flexion peak torque(L: r= .350, R: r= .390), and significant correlation was found in both the anaerobic peak power(r= .414) and the mean power(r= .354). As a result, 3 items in FMS showed a significant correlation between specific physical fitness variables, it is necessary to consider the specific physical fitness evaluation and FMS tests. in training plans. Therefore, this study recommends that male sprinters consider their physical fitness with FMS as an evaluation guideline for their scientific based training plans and athletic performance.
Comparative Study on Muscle Function, Temperature on Muscle Surface and Muscle Fiber Conduction Velocity by Static and Dynamic Stretching 정적 및 동적 스트레칭에 의한 근관절기능, 근육표면온도 및 근신경전도율에 관한 비교 연구
Comparative Study on Muscle Function, Temperature on Muscle Surface and Muscle Fiber Conduction Velocity by Static and Dynamic Stretching 정적 및 동적 스트레칭에 의한 근관절기능, 근육표면온도 및 근신경전도율에 관한 비교 연구
박병재 Park Byoung-jae , 김정훈 Kim Jung-hoon
Main purpose of this study was to find out the effect of static stretching (SS) and dynamic stretching (DS), which were typically applied as part of the warm-up exercise, on muscle function, muscle temperature (Tm) and muscle fiber conduction velocity (MFCV) among eight male college students. As a result, the range of motion (ROM) of the knee and hip joint showed a significant increase after SS and DS. Vertical jump (VJ) revealed significant interaction effect between time and treatment, the main effect test showed significant difference between pre and post and DS showed higher VJ height than SS. Side Step (S. Step) had no interaction effect, but significant increases were observed after SS and DS. Tm measured also had no interaction effect but showed a significant increase after SS and DS. The interaction effect of MFCV was not found, but there was a statistically significant increment after DS (p<.05), and DS increased MFCV more effectively than SS. In conclusion, the SS applied in this study did not lead to negative effects in terms of muscle function, but in terms of MFCV, DS is considered to be a more efficient warm-up routine than SS. Therefore, DS is considered to be a more effective way to prepare for active muscle contraction after warming up.
A Study on the Driver Shot Distance of Elite Golf Players Relationship with Basic and Professional Fitness Variables 엘리트 골프선수의 비거리와 기초 및 전문체력 변인들과의 상관관계 연구
성봉주 Boung-ju Sung , 김봉주 Boung-ju Kim , 이종백 Jong Baek Lee
A Study on the Driver Shot Distance of Elite Golf Players Relationship with Basic and Professional Fitness Variables 엘리트 골프선수의 비거리와 기초 및 전문체력 변인들과의 상관관계 연구
성봉주 Boung-ju Sung , 김봉주 Boung-ju Kim , 이종백 Jong Baek Lee
The purpose of this study is to improve the efficiency of fitness training by analyzing the relationship between driver shot distance(DSD) and basic and professional fitness variables of elite golf players. A total of 16(men 9, women 7)golfers who belonged to A Golf Club in Gyeonggi-do, and their physical conditions such as DSD, height, weight, body fat percentage, and muscle mass for distance, muscular strength(low back muscle, grip strength, bench press and squart RM), Basic fitness such as squat, flexibility, shuttle run and special physical strength such as isokinetic strength, spirometry, and anaerobic power test (Wingate test) were measured. The technical analysis of the sample and the correlation between the DSD and physical fitness were performed. The results showed that there were statistically significant correlations between height, weight, muscle mass, muscle factors, isokinetic knee and trunk muscular strength, lung capacity, and anaerobic power in physique conditions. However, there was no correlation between body fat percentage, relative muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and cardiopulmonary endurance. As a result, the DSD of golfers contributed to height and body weight, absolute strength, anaerobic power, and the isokinetic muscular strength of the knee and trunk.
A Study on the Life History of the Formation Process of Identity of Adapted Physical Activity Instructor 특수체육지도자의 정체성 형성과정과 의미에 관한 생애사 연구
조가람 Jo Ga-ram , 강유석 Kang Yoo-seok
The purpose of this study is to analyze the formation process of the identity of Adapted Physical Activity (APA) instructor through a life history of qualitative inquiry. To this end, two APA instructors were recruited as research participants and data were collected through three to five in-depth interviews. The research results are as follows. First, the process of forming the identity of research participants was divided into ‘The separation of self and major’ and ‘The integration of self and major’. Research participants experienced ‘A crisis of identity’ and ‘Choice of majors by others’ in a time of ‘The separation of self and major’. Afterward, research participants chose APA as a ‘Lifetime work & study’ because of positive emotional experiences that come from the process of self-existence verification through ‘Self-realization through the growth of student with disability’ and ‘Confirmation of meaning as a social being’. This process was able to be themed as ‘The integration of self and major’. Besides, the results of this formation of identity were eventually led to changes participant’s view of ‘disability’ and ‘physical education’ for students with disabilities.
Key Words
특수체육지도자, 정체성, 교육 생애사, Adapted physical activity instructor, Identity, Life history
Effect of Detary Habits and Physical Activity on Height, Weight and BMI of High School Students in Korea 우리나라 고등학생의 식이습관과 신체활동이 신장, 체중 및 BMI에 미치는 영향
Effect of Detary Habits and Physical Activity on Height, Weight and BMI of High School Students in Korea 우리나라 고등학생의 식이습관과 신체활동이 신장, 체중 및 BMI에 미치는 영향
차성웅 Seong-woong Cha
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary habits and physical activity on height, weight and BMI of high school students in Korea. The research data were analyzed by applying the complex sample data analysis method to 28,911 high school students using the 14th 2018 Youth Health Behavior Online Survey. As a result of the analysis, the eating habits of Korean high school students were 65.6% breakfast skip, 17.5% fruit intakers, 35.2% carbonated drinkers, 53.1% sweet drinkers and 23.1% fast food eaters. In fact, the students who consistently exercise of the middle intensity exercise is 28%, the high intensity exercis is 31.6%, the muscle strengthening exercise is 23%, and the subjects 45.5% who participated within 1 time of physical education activity. The effect of dietary habits on height, weight, and BMI is related to breakfast and whether or not to eat fruits, sodas, soft drinks, fast food. And result in the association with physical activity habits, height, weight and BMI was shown to be more affected by the larger the number of physical activity.
Key Words
청소년, 고등학생, 식이습관, 신체활동, 체격, 신장, 체중, 체형, BMI(신체질량지수), High school students, Dietary habits, Physical activity, Height, Body weight, Body mass index(BMI)